Maryland Cash Loans

If you need a cash advance loan in Maryland, then can help you get one quickly, efficiently and confidentially. Sure you could apply for a bank loan or drive to a local cash advance store, but why spend the time, energy and gas? The fastest way to alleviate financial emergencies is with a fast, secure and confidential loan from understands that emergencies happen. Whether it is a medical emergency, a car repair, a surprise party that requires a gift from you, or an unexpected school expense, a cash advance loan may be just the thing you need to take care of the situation. A cash advance is a short-term loan meant to keep you afloat between paychecks and, as such, usually is paid back within a couple of weeks. The application process is fast and easy with approval time 90 seconds or less.

A cash advance can be just what you need to pay for whatever unexpected expense finds its way into your life. There’s no need to struggle until your next paycheck. Residents in most states can enjoy this excellent service. Simply APPLY NOW online or contact us today!

State Law

Maryland state law prohibits payday loans. The law stipulates that payday loan lenders (and other small loan lenders) must comply with the state’s criminal and small loan usury laws which severally restrict the allowable interest rates and fees to levels much lower than what a payday lender usually charges. Additionally, Maryland banks are not allowed to charter with out-of-state cash advance companies- the only state to have such a Senate Resolution.

Maximum Loan

Creditors must comply with Maryland's small loan law limit.

Loan Terms

Not stipulated


Not stipulated

Fee Limits

Not stipulated

Maryland Cash Loan Debate

If you feel a payday lender is operating unfairly or engaging in illegal collection practices, you can contact your Maryland Attorney General:

Office of the Attorney General
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202