In South Dakota there are many cash advance loan options to help solve those financial emergencies that could pop up between paychecks. You could drive to a cash advance store in your area, or apply for a loan at a bank. A fast and secure way to get the emergency cash you need is to go to; your emergency cash can be in your account in an hour or less. understands that emergencies happen. Whether it is a medical emergency, a car repair, a surprise party that requires a gift from you, or an unexpected school expense, a cash advance loan may be just the thing you need to take care of the situation. A cash advance is a short-term loan meant to keep you afloat between paychecks and, as such, usually is paid back within a couple of weeks. The application process is fast and easy with approval time 90 seconds or less.A cash advance can be just what you need to pay for whatever unexpected expense finds its way into your life. There’s no need to struggle until your next paycheck. Residents in most states can enjoy this great service. Simply APPLY NOW online or contact us today!
South Dakota state law requires cash advance lenders to be licensed. In addition to specifically outlining the charges and fees, payday lenders in South Dakota must ensure that consumers understand a payday loan is meant only for short-term financial needs and should not be utilized as a long-term loan. The consumer must also fully understand that heavy fees could be levied if the amount borrowed is not paid in full by the due date. Additionally, all charges must be itemized.
$500 is the maximum payday advance loan, excluding fees, allowed by law.
Not stipulated
South Dakota law permits four extensions or rollovers.
Companies may charge any interest rate and fees that the consumer is willing to pay
If you feel a payday lender is operating unfairly or engaging in illegal collection practices, you can contact your South Dakota Attorney General:
Office of the Attorney General – Consumer Protection
1302 E Hwy 14 - Suite 3
Pierre SD 57501-8503